G8C (Gate Coin) (G8C)

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Is Token
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Primary Markets (1 Active) - Total Market Volume: ~$73
Liquidity Pools (1 Active) - Total Pool Liquidity: ~$945
The OneG8 story is an accumulation of discoveries stemming back to the 2008-2009 financial crisis. In 2012, the first version of our project—an easy-to-use, decentralized network for digital payments—served as a powerful protest against the unjust and inefficient practices of the largest banks and financial institutions in the world.

Soon enough, we discovered that banks were only part of the problem. Big tech companies—and their centralized control of data—represented an even greater threat. Serious data security and privacy problems can be found in almost every tool or application that consumers and businesses use on a daily basis, especially when it comes to the way big tech companies are harvesting and using our data against us—to convince us to buy things we don't need, change our values, alter our thinking, even influence how
we vote. To understand the extent of those violations, look no further than the current debate about the privacy intrusions of TikTok and Facebook, and it’s hard not to be disgusted by what these firms are doing to everyday consumers.

Knowing that society is now completely dependent on these “daily apps” just to stay in touch, conduct business, entertain themselves—and engage in day-to-day life—we identified an urgent and pressing market need for secure and data-private alternatives—alternatives that serve the user (instead of harvesting them as products). This is when we immediately set to work identifying the most important features and services of modern tech platforms for messaging, video calls, social media, business, e-commerce, digital payments, etc. Then, we developed secure and data-private versions of these apps—while also improving them significantly—and made them available from a single, easy-to-use
interface, The OneG8 Evolution 2.0 Super App.

Today, the OneG8 Evolution 2.0 App leverages state-of-the-art blockchain technology, multi-layered end-to-end mix-net encryption, and decentralized data storage to offer the same social media, communications, business IT, digital payment, and many other essential services that big tech companies provide.

The key difference is that OneG8 features hard-coded data privacy and military-grade security as a fundamental law of the platform. In fact, not even the OneG8 team can see your data! At OneG8, all of our products, services, and team members embody the “Your Data – Your Life – Your Decision” ethos. If you’re like us — and you believe in the Human Right to Privacy — then we’re the breath of fresh air you’ve been searching for.

Use the Linktree to learn more about us and our work. : https://linktr.ee/oneg8
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